Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Iraq, Oil, Iran.

Iran announced late last month that its foreign currency reserves would henceforth be held in euros rather than dollars.

Bankers remember, of course, what happened to the last Middle East oil producer, Iraq, to sell its oil in euros rather than dollars. A few months after Saddam Hussein trumpeted his decision, the Americans and British invaded Iraq.

Monday, 5 October 2009

Attractive Britain

A family has been paid £189,694 of public money to live in one of Britain's most expensive areas, according to figures that reveal the biggest recipients of housing benefit. The family have received the sum from the taxpayer in order to live in a seven-bedroom house in Oxford that has been rented since January 2004. Oxford City Council, which paid the £189,694 sum, was unavailable for comment.
Figures released under the Freedom of Information Act show a family of seven in Camden, north London, have received £189,653 since August 2001 for a series of properties. They now live in a five-bedroomed house that costs £1,515 a week.
A claimant in Westminster has been paid £76,000 in 12 months while a family in Brent, north-west London, are paid £2,827 a week and have received £177,497 since they began claiming in 2004.
In total, the housing benefit system, which sees families paid by their local authority to cover all or part of their rent, costs £15 billion a year. More than 4.4m people receive housing benefit in Britain.
Last year it emerged a mother of seven, Afghan migrant Toorpakai Saindi, was receiving £170,000 a year in benefits to cover the cost of a seven-bedroomed rented home in west London. The local authority, Ealing Council, said the amount was high because of a rate set by the government.
Susie Squire, campaign manager at the TaxPayers’ Alliance, said: “These figures are staggering and show an alarming amount of taxpayers’ money is being haemorrhaged year after year. In many cases the rent is so high a property could have been purchased outright with just a few years’ rent.”
Several councils, including Mid Sussex, Renfrewshire, Walsall and Harrogate have paid totals of £50,000-£80,000, although many of these cases are for claimants who require adapted properties and 24-hour care.
The figures came as actors Juliet Stevenson and Simon Callow and director Ken Loach spoke out against cuts in support allowances for asylum seekers. Screenwriters, authors and actors, including Miriam Margoyles and Jason Issacs, are among the celebrities who have signed a letter of protest to the government from charity Refugee Action.
Refugee charities also condemned the move, calling the cuts "appalling" and calling for asylum seekers to be given the right to work. Telegraph.

Saturday, 26 September 2009

Iraq, Afghanistan, MP's expenses, - the Paradox.

It is paradoxical that while claiming unjustified Parliamentary expenses for themselves, British Members of Parliament were voting for sending British soldiers to fight in foreign countries without proper equipment, having to buy their own safety gear.

Friday, 25 September 2009

Nuclear proliferation. Iran

"Iran is breaking rules that all nations must follow," said Mr Obama, He added that Iran was endangering the global non-proliferation regime and threatening the stability and security of the world.

Israel, the region's sole if undeclared nuclear-armed state, has long accused Iran of pursuing atomic weapons under the guise of a peaceful energy programme.

Britain, the US and France have insisted that Iran must allow visits to the nuclear site.

No one insists that Israel must allow visits to its nuclear sites. Israel shall be the only favoured nuclear State in the Middle East.

Monday, 31 August 2009


Perhaps the American bombing of Afghan weddings and funerals has now been discontinued.

Sunday, 30 August 2009

Housing shortage, - what housing shortage?

The BBC, and Local Government Councils, often say there is a chronic shortage of houses in the UK. - There is no shortage, - only a shortage of money in the pockets of those who would like to buy a house.
The BBC, Local Councils and Central Government politicians make the people poorer through taxation by overpaying themelves huge salaries, expenses and pensions.

Night Flying for HouseFlies

If flies do not fly in the dark - and some flies were flying around a lighted room, what would they do if the light was suddenly switched off, leaving the room in total darkness?

Saturday, 29 August 2009

Start of WWII - Invasion of Poland

In 1939 after Britain had threatened to retaliate against any Power that attacked Poland (even though Poland was too far away for Britain to come to her rescue) and who had no intention of providing any material aid....when Germany and Russia invaded Poland at the same time, why did Britain declare war against Germany but made Russia her friend?


As the the Major Powers have the ability to detect and destroy any missiles, and even the minutest objects in the atmosphere, how do UFOs seem able to approach unseen and land on earth so easily?

World War II

Although the Allies knew about the German concentration camps, why did they never bomb the railway lines leading to the camps?

Friday, 28 August 2009


There is no such thing as "Welsh". The meaning of the word, in German Saxon English is, Foreigner, Stranger.
There is no other people, race, ethnic group, or nation in the world named "Foreigners", and in this case - "foreigners" living throughout history in their own homeland!
A more appropriate name for the "Welsh" should be Romano-British (unfortunately awkwardly long) as descendants of the former Roman Province which lasted 500 years (e.g 1450-1950).
The Britons learned and spoke Latin to communicate with the Roman authorities. Romans married British women partners on retirement from the Army, employed British workers in construction and agriculture. Britons were recruited into the Roman Army.
There was sufficient cultural integration for so much of the Welsh language to include very many Latin words, as English contains German words.
The majority of the English were Saxons (Essex, Wessex, Sussex), with a minority of Angles (E Anglia). The covering name English was perhaps adopted by the Saxon invaders because the name Saxon (Scottish - Sassenachs, Welsh - Saeson) was hated by the Britons.

UK Register of Electors

In the UK, the legally enforced requirement to notify the authorities of one's address is not just to enable one to vote, even if one has no wish to vote, at five year intervals for another set of crooked self-seeking politicians.

Its first prime use is to inform the authorities if needed, of where to find you, to arrest you, to search your property, or to confiscate it, - for criminal or political reasons.

Its second prime use is to draw an income from selling the list of voters and their residence, to commercial organisations, credit firms, debt collectors etc.

It may not help to locate the footloose army of illegal property squatters and others who sleep rough or shift about from the apartments of one acquaintance to another.

Scarce fish resources

Why not breed from fertilised eggs millions of juvenile scarce fish at fishery stations and release the young fish in the usual fishing grounds?

Local government costs.

What is the cost of translating Local Government notices into all the foreign languages of the world, and of printing and distributing them?

What are the staffing costs of each Local Government Authority expressed as a percentage of their Council Tax take? Is there a comparative list of authorities to show the most and the least expensive?


There is only one boss, the customer, and he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman down, by spending his money somewhere else.