Sunday, 21 February 2010

Principles, Tyranny, Assassination, War.

A principle is by definition, right - a plan for the good of the people. It logically follows that those who disagree, are enemies of the good and welfare of the people. No longer men and women but fiendish personifications of evil. Killing men and women is wrong but killing fiends is a duty.
Men with strong religious and revolutionary faith, men with well-thought out plans for improving the lot of their fellows, whether in this world or the next, have been more systematically and cold-bloodedly cruel than any others. Thinking in terms of first principles entails acting with machine-guns and bombs. A government with a comprehensive plan is a government that uses torture.
Individuals must murder one another, Governments must assassinate its victims because the interests of the country, or its crusade in spreading its view of Democracy, Freedom or Faith demands it.
Gott mit Uns.

Monday, 8 February 2010

Oh, What A Glorious War

The aim of war is to kill people, to demolish property, to occupy the land of others, or to exploit their resources.
Weak countries containing resources (or carrying oil pipelines) are targetted for invasion, military occupation and control, their innocent inhabitants treated with contempt, hatred, brutality and torture.
Powerful countries are treated as friends and allies, their often corrupt leaders tolerated and supported.
The warriors are Government assassins, paid contract killers, with orders to murder those who disagree with the Government leader, or who decline to meet his ambitions of power.
Mothers bewail the death of their glorious soldier sons without counting the number of victims they themselves have killed. Many of those warriors, bearing the mark of Cain, not killed are maimed or injured for life and then forgotten.
Poor countries are turned to rubble, their means of life diminished or destroyed.
America and Israel have chosen as their world mission, that of perpetual war.
Victim countries learn how to retaliate in their own fashion.
The taxpayers of the aggressor countries are impoverished, their costly means of war turned into waste and scrap.
War is organized by psychopathic criminals and sold by professional liars (the news media and politicians.)
Thou Shalt Not Kill.